
‪For years I prayed to God for a loyal, witty, loving guy. He delivered. My son is now 10 ♥️🙌🏻👨🏼‍💻


“Max Capacity”

If you check out my Periscope replay, you’ll hear me talk about hitting “Max Capacity.” It’s our limit for life’s B.S. Check out my personal chats on


Live Broadcasting: Live Breakup Recovery Help

If I had someone out there willing to listen to me immediately while I had a meltdown in my apartment about the last schmuck that wasn’t worth me, I would have been able to condense my breakup recovery into half the time. And while I could research a thousand articles, what good was it when I barely found anything even remotely related to my situation?

That’s why I’m broadcasting live. Starting with Periscope, I’m giving you a possibility to communicate one-on-one with someone who’s been there multiple times, and knows how to heal quicker than ever. Healing after a breakup is a science, and I’ve got it down.

With Periscope, you can enter anonymously if you want, listen, or ask questions and make comments – without others making you feel like… well… a dumbass. And I’m not only helping women here, I’m – ironically – helping a lot of guys too. In my friendly, everyday, sweet, purdy New York style. Okay? Eh? No sweat. You got this.

Check out @1YearOfSingle on Periscope. Live Broadcasts Thursdays at 10pm and Sunday’s 10pm (ET).

Live Broadcasting: Live Breakup Recovery Help